V-Force 30
Simco-Ion’s V-Force 30 narrow web vacuum system is a unique high performing industrial vacuum cleaning system for narrow web machines. The V-Force 30 combines the power of static neutralization with high vacuum, high volume and high velocity allowing for ultimate cleaning.
It can be easily installed onto any area of open web on most major narrow web presses and other narrow web machinery making it ideal for any application.
The V-Force 30’s low-profile hood integrates four barrier brushes to manage air velocity and air flow. It also incorporates shockless static bars, two upper and two lower, to quickly neutralize and break the bond between charged particulate and the running web up to 2,000 ft per minute. This optimizes the cleaning performance and neutralizes the web surface. The hood is available for 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 inch web widths.
The Air Control System (ACS) is an all-in-one clean air blow-off / vacuum and collector support cabinet that drives our cleaning hood. This industrial powerhouse provides optimal filtration and airflow. The ACS’s stainless steel enclosure incorporates enhanced acoustic isolation for blowers and vacuum chambers making the system quieter than a Shop Vac!

The Neutro-Vac system combines the power of a compressed air blast, static elimination, brushes and a high exhaust head to agitate the web, remove the static bond and evacuate surface particulate down to 20 microns in size. The Neutro-Vac system is ideal for installation over unsupported webs from 3” to 300” wide.
Features and Benefits
- One sided or top and bottom web cleaning
- Contact, non-contact and hazardous location configurations
- HEPA after-filter available
Mark I
The Mark I Web and Sheet Cleaning Dust Collector System includes brushes and static control bars before and after the vacuum slot. Removal of dust and dirt improves production speeds and lowers the incidence of product quality defects.
An Ion-O-Vac’s is normally mounted where material has more than 30 degrees of surface contact with a roller or cylinder. This maximizes the cleaning effect of the high pressure vacuum. The collector must be located in close proximity to the heads.
Features and Benefits
- Single or double sided web cleaning
- Contact and non-contact configurations
- Brackets and ducting included
- Adjustments for precisely positioning the hood over the substrate
- Optional pneumatic retraction systems to raise and lower the hood
- Brushes slide in and out for easy replacement
Mark IV
The Ion-O-Vac Mark IV Sheet Cleaning System utilizes the power of rotary brush action to scrub the material surface, cleaning down to 15-microns. The scrubbing action of the Mark IV rotary brush is designed for the toughest of materials that demand the cleanest of surfaces.
Features and Benefits
- Canister collector with cartridge filter
- Pre-filter and motor starter
- Ion-O-Vac hood with rotary brush, drive motor and speed control, static eliminator and brackets
- Systems can be configured to clean one or both sides of the material