OmniCure® S1500 Spot UV Curing System
The OmniCure S1500 Spot UV Curing System provides automated manufacturers with industry leading control, reliability, and high intensity irradiance in a versatile UV mercury lamp system. Offering precise control of UV lamp output and high-speed shutter activation capabilities, the OmniCure S1500 is ideal for high-throughput UV adhesive curing and automated bonding processes involved in micro-electronic and opto-electronic manufacturing.

OmniCure® S2000 Spot UV Curing System
The OmniCure S2000 Spot UV Curing System offers the highest level of process control and consistency with our proprietary, real-time Closed-Loop Feedback technology using an integrated optical UV sensor. When paired with an OmniCure R2000 radiometer, the S2000 UV curing system is unmatched in precision light delivery and repeatable, adhesive curing results.
OmniCure® LX500 LED Spot UV Curing System Controller
The OmniCure LX500 Spot LED UV curing system controller has been uniquely designed with proprietary Intelli-Lamp® technology that monitors LED head temperature and lifetime data, as well as automatically maintains optical stability +/- 5% to provide greater degree of process assurance for your application. Available in either 2 or 4 channel configurations, the OmniCure LX500 is the most flexible and cost-effective option for industrial manufacturing.The LX500 system controller offers a robust and intuitive user interface with the ability to control up to four LED Spot UV curing heads simultaneously or independently at different wavelengths: 365nm, 385nm and 400nm.

OmniCure® R2000 Radiometer
Radiometry is an essential technique for measuring light output from a UV curing system in order to maintain a repeatable process. The OmniCure R2000 UV Radiometer can be combined with the OmniCure S2000 Spot UV Curing System to provide a complete curing station with unmatched control and repeatability. Special electronics built into the R2000 also allow for the connection of custom sensors that measure light energy directly at the cure site or within cure ring bonding fixtures.
UV Cure Station
Tinted acrylic construction for a protective UV curing environment. Includes a hinged top door for easy access, rear exhaust fan and fully adjustable light guide positioning.